Plus Size Korean Clothing Brands You Need to Know

BY Via Alam

November 17th 2022

Plus Size Korean Clothing Brands You Need to Know
Korean plus size clothing brands are gaining so much attention lately not only from Koreans but also internationally. The cute, chic, and edgy Korean styles are making Korean fashion super popular worldwide including the Plus size community. Here are some popular plus size fashion brands you need to know on our website.


One of the best Korean Plus size clothing brand to look for if you love feminine and cute style. They also carry lingerie, shoes, and other accessories for plus size.

66 girls

66 girls brand is for everyone not only plus size but also the regular size clothing.

mariang plus

Mariang plus is for those who like casual style and trendy style. This store not only carry plus size but also regular size. They also have trendy accesories, bag, and shoes.


Jstyle is probably one of the best Korean plus size clothing brands. They have so many styles from feminine, sexy, edgy, chic, and casual. Check them out to find out.